Text of appeal from order 176/03 filed before Gujarat High Court
Amongst various issues called for in appeal from order 176/2003 following information was called. It is necessary to call for these information from Oriental Bank of Commerce so as to establish their collusion with the management of Core Health care and their associates etc.
The defendants were called to furnish following documentary evidences primarily as referred in para 21(b) of the stay application:-
a) Statutory records such as minute book of directors and shareholders of Rupmanglam
b) Share certificates pertaining to Rupmanglam
c) Share transfer forms pertaining to Rupmanglam .
d) Share Registar of Rupmanglam
e) Audited balance sheet from 96 onwards in relation to Rupmanglam along with acknowledgment of income tas return filed and assessment orders.
f) 37-I permission from the income tax department in relation to property owned by Rupmanglam in particular.
g) Copy of all documents furnished to the Registar of Companies along with copy of acknowledgement from 31-3-1995.
h) All correspondence with directors and shareholders.
i) All correspondence and documents for availing facility from defendant 4.
j) Auditor report for share transfer in respect of shares of Rupmanglam Investment
k) Audited balance sheet of defendant 1 from 1996 onwards till date.